We split into two groups today for a two part adventure. My group went to the conference room at the Army Corps of Engineers for a presentation by Jeremy about the history of the lake and its ecology. Great information. While we did that, the rest of our group went out on a pontoon boat for a tour of the lake. Then our groups swapped out and got to enjoy both activities.
While on the lake, we saw numerous plants and animals. some were natives: water lily, Nuphar (yellow cow lily), Utricularia (a carnivorous plant), Phragmites, Typha (cat tails), pond apple and a Potomogeton. Others were exotics that have become invasive: Eichornia crassipies (water hyacinth), Pistia (water lettuce), air potato, Melaleuca, Brazilian pepper, Hydrilla, Australian pine and others. Several birds were seen: anhinga, snowy egret, little blue heron, great blue heron, red-winged blackbird, tri-colored heron, black ibis, white ibis, osprey, great white heron and others.
It was an absolutely beautiful day as you can see in the pictures.
Thank you, Army Corps guys for your help in making it a great day for us.
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